Frequently Asked Questions
Horse / Equestrian Fence FAQ
Some of the best horse fencing options for larger pasture fences are your wire, wire mesh, and vinyl coated wire types of fence. They work well and are the most cost-effective. If you want a more decorative look then your wood dowel, vinyl, and rail fences work well. However, they are more expensive.
Wire fencing is probably the most affordable for large properties.
The best type of livestock fence will vary on what they are trying to accomplish. We provide FREE CONSULTATIONS and can make our best recommendations once we know more about your property, your needs, budget and type of livestock you’re handling.
Based on our experience the typical horse fence needs to be at 48″- 54″ tall, which is the most common.
Residential Fence FAQ
For the residential fence, style or type is generally dictated by covenants, otherwise it depends on customers’ needs and taste. Different styles range from cedar privacy, vinyl privacy, rail fences, and your decorative steel wrought iron types. For the rail fences you have the vinyl, dowel, open rail (which is generally a square post with a 2×6 or 2×8 rail). Most of the time they will add the welded wire to keep the pets in.
Yes, we install cedar wood picket fences. Cost depend on the size of the fence, whether it has pickets on both sides and other factors. Typically costs range anywhere from $2000 and up.
Vinyl ranch rail fence is usually the most affordable. They are very nice looking too!
- cedar picket fences
- vinyl privacy fences
- ornametal steel fence
- split rail fence
- open rail fence
- vinyl fence
- western dowel fence
Your rail fences are generally less expensive and attractive options for residential fencing on larger properties. Privacy fences and ornamental steel are nice options but they tend to be more expensive too.
Vinyl Fence FAQ
Vinyl fence is one of the most affordable fence options. Its also a fence which requires very low maintenance.
Vinyl fences typically last 20- 30 years in Colorado.
We recommend 3 rail vinyl ranch rail fences for horse properties.
The white 3-rail ranch rail fence is the most popular vinyl product.
Vinyl fence typically comes in white, tan colors, and is available in some wood grain patterns. The wood grains are special order and more expensive. I stock the white and tan. It is comparable in price to the wood fences. The vinyl Straight Arrow Fence carries comes with a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer, against cracking, peeling, fading, and is made in America.
Metal Fence FAQ
Yes, we install chain link fences. They are a sturdy fence which helps protect valuable assets. We often install chain link security fences for industrial or commercial properties.
We can install steel or aluminum metal ornamental fence. However, the metal ornamental fence we most commonly install is usually steel, with different styles, and heights of pickets. They usually range in heights from 48″-72″. The aluminum fence tends to be a lot more expensive.
- Buckley steel fence
- 440 fence
- ornamental steel fence
- Priefert Ponderosa fence
- chain link
Yes, metal fencing is available in several popular colors and styles. Typically we installĀ metal fence which is either black, white or brown.
Metal fences typically start at about $30/ft.